Getting Rid of Stinking Thinking may be the single most important decision you will ever make! The battlefield of life is found in your mind – that’s where all attack is focused and where all destruction takes place. All mental thoughts emanate from your brain – it’s the command centre... read more →
At any given time during your daily activities, your mind is bombarded with millions of bits of information and sensory stimulations from the physical environment where you are. Sounds, smells, tastes, sights, and feelings are continually being downloaded into your system. Your brain receives all this information and stimulation and... read more →
As born again believers, we receive a mighty 3-fold inheritance from the Lord Jesus: Eternal salvation beginning right now; Divine healing and the right to live in divine health, and; Divine blessing and the right to live in divine prosperity! It’s God's plan for each and every believer to live... read more →
What you practice is the result of your beliefs or philosophy. Private philosophy produces public performance. Beliefs produce behaviour. Your beliefs produce your behaviour, or we could say it this way, ‘Your behaviour depends upon your beliefs!’ What you commit to and put into practice will produce the results of... read more →