Wealth Producers focuses on teaching ‘Biblical Principles for Business Success’ to all believers with an emphasis on those in the daily marketplace.
As a lawyer for 16-plus years with hundreds of clients and many of them Christians, I had a front-row seat to watch believers in action. What I saw left me perplexed and frustrated – they had limited vision for success, almost no understanding of God’s anointing operating in their lives, and were afraid to
believe God for business success.
Wealth Producers was birthed to help Christian believers change the way they think, dream, and operate in the marketplace. Deuteronomy 8:18 became our theme verse; ‘and you shall remember the Lord your God who gives you the power to get wealth that He may establish His Covenant which He
swore to your fathers…’
The Lord our God ‘gives us the power to get wealth to establish His covenant’ – it’s clear that God has a strategy to finance His covenant in the land, but it’s up to believers to study and understand HOW God gets His Power to them!
Wealth Producers brings anointed revelation on the ‘HOW TO’s’ for increased wealth and success. It’s not enough to know of God’s Promises to believers; we must know the Principles and Strategies that bring those Promises to pass.
Wealth Producers presents Biblical Truths and Principles in a practical fashion to help change the way believers think –about themselves; their purpose; their right to dream; their right to be successful even to the point of becoming supernaturally successful! Proverbs 23:7 states…’as a man thinks in his heart,
so is He!’
Wealth Producers’ vision is to change the way you think, so you’ll change the way you believe, and change the way you act…to become all that God has for you!
It’s time to “Reposition Your Thinking so Increase Can Find You!”