Seven Streams of Income


People live their lives in one of three realms: not enough, just enough, or more than enough. The vast majority live in the first two realms – they are barely getting by and are afraid of unexpected expenses. But that’s not the Lord’s plan for your life. He has a plan to prosper you and take you into the real of more than enough. In this book, Seven Streams of Income, author Dr. Brian D. Scott reveals how additional streams of income are available to you as  you open your thinking to increase and expansion. Using real-life examples, Dr. Scott walks you through the steps of seeing opportunities and seizing them to add new income streams in your business and life. It’s time to change the way you think and be ready for Godly opportunities!

Dr. Brian D. Scott has personally experienced what he shares in this book. With university degrees in Business Administration and Law, and having practiced as a corporate lawyer for over 17 years and pastored for more than 30 years, Dr. Scott has been solving people’s problems and providing counsel for 40 years. Dr. Scott has studied and researched the scriptures to find Biblical answers to life’s daily problems – answers that work! It’s Time to Reposition Your Thinking So Increase Can Find You!
